Reopened June 2022
Reservation[ Reopened June 2022 ]


STELLA MONTE [ 北海道&手作り 山麓レストラン ]

  • 水・米water,rice

    A unique taste that makes use of the blessings of water from Daisetsuzan's Mt. Asahidake.

    Located at the foothills of Asahidake, Higashikawa Town is one of the leading rice-producing regions in the whole country. It is a town that thrives on the underground water from Daisetsuzan. At Bearmonte, we use the Higashikawa Town brand of delicious rice which is unique for its glutinous texture and sweet flavor.

  • 肉・野菜meat,vegetables

    Specially selected fresh local ingredients that you can only find here.

    The snow that piles up on the mountains has been refined by nature over many years into underground water even said to be sweet. In Higashikawa Town, all the people's lives benefit from this water's blessings, and locally grown vegetables are exceptionally delicious.

  • 地の酒local “sake”

    Dine with the recently popular Hokkaido wine and sake.

    We offer a wide variety of Japanese alcoholic beverages from Hokkaido, including Hokkaido wine, which has made remarkable progress in recent years in terms of the number of wineries and its appeal and has an increasing fanbase overseas and in the country, and "Higashikawa rice" sake, pride of the rice-producing region.


ご夕食 ご夕食

BEARMONTE Style美味しくて、愉しいベアモンテスタイル

BEARMONTE's dinner style is a delightful time that combines three ways to enjoy a meal.

Relish in appetite-whetting sounds and aromas, the magnificence of food being grilled right before your eyes, and numerous delicate dishes. You can have your fill of each in a fun and ample way.

Enjoy our carefully selected Hokkaido-raised meat, chosen by you beforehand, cooked by teppanyaki or grill. We will bring it freshly grilled to your table.
Japanese and Western Buffet
Enjoy seasonal local, creative and hand-crafted dishes to your heart's content. Help yourself at the buffet corner.
Sweets Buffet
To end on a blissful note, savor our patissier's handmade desserts which reflect the seasons.

MainTeppanyaki or Grill

  • 鉄板焼~道産もち豚ステーキ
  • 鉄板焼~道産もち豚ステーキ
  • 鉄板焼~道産もち豚ステーキ
  • 鉄板焼~道産もち豚ステーキ

Main[ Table Service ]

Teppanyaki ~ Hokkaido-Raised Mochibuta Pork Steak

Its appeal is its juiciness that overflows with flavor when you gently bite into it. Hokkaido-reared Mochibuta pork has a fine texture, light fat, and an outstanding sweet flavor. In particular, Bearmonte's special thick iron plate instantly locks in the flavor of the meat and grills it slowly until tender. We serve it freshly grilled and piping hot to your table.

About Our Specialty Sauce

The sauce we use is our specialty Japanese-style red wine sauce, made by meticulously stewing several types of vegetables in red wine, and topped off with soy sauce for flavor and fragrance. It pairs well with both beef and pork; enjoy grilled Hokkaido-grown vegetables, Irish cobbler potatoes and onions, etc. as garnish. You can also enjoy it with horseradish.
  • グリル~十勝ハーブ牛サーロインステーキ
  • グリル~十勝ハーブ牛サーロインステーキ
  • グリル~十勝ハーブ牛サーロインステーキ
  • グリル~十勝ハーブ牛サーロインステーキ
Grill ~ Tokaichi Herb Beef Sirloin Steak [ Upgrade from Teppanyaki to Grill ] 
2,200 per person

The domestic beef we use, a cross of Japanese Black Wagyu and Holstein cattle, are herb-fed and raised stress-free on an immense farm in Tokaichi, Hokkaido. We use blocks of sirloin, the highest grade portion of Tokaichi herb beef, also aged particularly at low temperatures, and grill only the truly high-quality portions aromatically. It is a sublime steak substantiated by our use of the best ingredients and precise techniques. Enjoy the profound richness, umami, and rich aroma that expands in your mouth. Our staff will bring it, aromatic and freshly grilled, to your table.


*For other plans, please add it as an option.

Buffet Japanese and Western

Buffet [Japanese and Western]

和洋ビュッフェ 和洋ビュッフェ

Buffet[ Japanese and Western ]

Buffet at the foot of the mountain, where you can taste the seasons and even the scenery in front of you is a treat.

BEARMONTE's buffet dishes are specially hand-crafted using seasonal Hokkaido ingredients from Higashikawa Town and Kamikawa. Our experienced chefs weave together a blend of Japanese and Western cuisine, which change slowly with the seasons for a rich gradation of dishes. We hope that you enjoy our fresh seasonal dishes.

  • 北海道産じゃがいもとモッツァレラのグラタン
    Seasonal menu〈 季節の料理 〉


  • やわらかくてほどける特製ビーフシチュー
    Seasonal menu〈 季節の料理 〉


  • 北海道ブランドもち豚のジンギスカン
    Seasonal menu〈 季節の料理 〉


  • 蝦夷マタギ鍋
    Seasonal menu〈 季節の料理 〉


  • 道産ひまわり豚の角煮 赤ワイン風味
    Seasonal menu〈 季節の料理 〉
    「道産ひまわり豚の角煮 赤ワイン風味」


  • 山ウドとグレープフルーツのマリネ
    Seasonal menu〈 季節の料理 〉


  • 山菜の天ぷら
    Seasonal menu〈 季節の料理 〉


  • 行者にんにくの醤油漬け
    Seasonal menu〈 季節の料理 〉

    滋養がつき疲労回復などの効果が得られる成分が豊富です。この時期限定 朝食でお楽しみいただきます。

  • 十勝ハーブ牛のロースト
    Seasonal menu〈 季節の料理 〉


  • 上川産フレッシュトマトと知床鶏の冷製パスタ
    Seasonal menu〈 季節の料理 〉


  • 真鯛のセビーチェオレンジ風味
    Seasonal menu〈 季節の料理 〉



  • スイーツビュッフェ
  • スイーツビュッフェ
  • スイーツビュッフェ
  • スイーツビュッフェ
  • スイーツビュッフェ

Sweets buffet

Authentic Hand-crafted Sweets Made By Our In-House Patissier

BEARMONTE's desserts are authentic sweets made by our in-house patissier which you won't find anywhere else. The taste and design of our patissier's delicate handiwork has been well-received, along with our whole cakes for special occasions. Whole cakes must be reserved in advance (three days in advance). Please feel free to reserve a cake.

総料理長 落合 義忠
In addition to our main dinner dishes featuring plenty of seasonal local ingredients and meat sourced from Hokkaido, we also offer a buffet with imaginative dishes catering to both Western and Japanese tastes. With our continuing passion for handmade cooking, we pour all of our effort into each and every dish in order to make your trip to Asahidake a memorable one. 総料理長 落合 義忠executive chef Y.Ochiai
  • For Guests Staying Multiple Nights
    So that guests staying consecutive nights can look forward to dining the next day, we serve main course and a portion of the buffet dishes with a twist, so that they are different every day.
  • Multi-Course Meal Information
    Depending on the number of guests, on some days we may offer a Japanese and Western-style course meal (8-9 dishes created by the head chef). This way, you can enjoy the meal in a relaxed manner without getting up from your seat, which makes us happy as well. Example of Course Meal
    ご夕食 ある日の和洋コース料理


    • ※写真は一例です(季節により献立は変わります)
    • ※尚ビュッフェまたはコースをお選びいただくことはできませんのであらかじめご了承ください。
  • Regarding Allergies
    So that everyone can enjoy our food with peace of mind, we ask that customers with food allergies please notify us at least three days in advance. (Please note that changes to the buffet menu are not possible.)


朝食 朝食

Fresh & Healthy身体にやさしいご朝食

Start your day with a breakfast of exceptional flavors of vegetables.

BEARMONTE's breakfasts use carefully selected specialty ingredients. Whether you are partial to Japanese breakfasts or Western breakfasts, you are sure to be satisfied. We serve high-quality brand rice from Higashikawa Town and freshly baked croissants, and our salad bar features a variety of fresh, locally grown vegetables that vary depending on the season. Our healthy dishes will awaken your senses at the start of the day.

  • 朝食 カレー
  • 朝食 サラダ
  • 朝食 パン
  • 朝食 炒め物
  • 朝食 焼き魚
  • 朝食 たまご
  • 朝食 だし巻き玉子
  • 朝食 煮物
  • 朝食 煮物
  • 朝食 煮物
  • 朝食 コーヒー
  • 朝食 デザート
  • 朝食 デザート

Restaurant[1F]Stella Monte

  • レストラン ステラモンテ
  • レストラン ステラモンテ
  • レストラン ステラモンテ
  • レストラン ステラモンテ
  • レストラン ステラモンテ
  • レストラン ステラモンテ
  • レストラン ステラモンテ
  • レストラン ステラモンテ

At Restaurant Stella Monte, you can enjoy food redolent with the seasons of the region to your heart's content. The layout features an open kitchen and buffet corner that enchant the senses, as well as seating in which you can enjoy your meal comfortably. Private dining rooms are also available.

◎Dinner time 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm /
Breakfast time 7:00 am - 9:00 am
(There may be changes depending on the season and number of people.)


Order drinks at the restaurant via tablet

Order drinks swiftly and smoothly without having to call the staff.
*By employing the use of a tablet, we reduce the amount of printed materials such as paper.